Therapy for Work Stress & Burnout

Work stress is physically and emotionally exhausting. And, when left unmanaged, work stress will often lead to burnout. If you’re feeling the effects of burnout, you may notice that you’re feeling: exhausted, apathetic, easily frustrated or annoyed, and hopeless about being able to change your situation and the way you’re feeling.

Therapy for work stress anxiety therapy

Work stress can negatively impact your emotional health and relationships

Unmanaged work stress often contributes to issues in your personal life and can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. This is because unresolved work stress drains us of our emotional and physical resources. And, quick evenings or weekends away from work are not quite enough to balance this out.

The good news is, therapy for work stress can help you learn healthier ways to manage, so you can stop work stress from taking over your life. This is possible by helping you:

  • Develop healthier and more effective ways to cope with work and personal stressors

  • Explore your current boundaries both in and out of work (and learn how to implement healthier and more sustainable boundaries)

  • Make decisions that prioritize the things you value in your life and your career

  • Create a clear, actionable plan for navigating stressful situations as they arise

Therapy for work stress anxiety therapy

How therapy for work stress can help

Work stress is an incredibly common experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s something you have to learn to tolerate for the rest of your life. Instead, therapy for work stress can help you learn how to more effectively manage the stressors that come up so they don’t take over your life and steal your happiness. 

Are you ready get started? Schedule a free phone consultation by clicking the button below, and let’s talk.

I am a therapist who specializes in therapy for work stress, online anxiety, depression, and OCD therapy. Schedule a consultation to see how online therapy can help you.